Commodore Free Magazine, Issue 75 - Part 4
Stephen Walsh@39:901/280 to
All on Thu Dec 12 11:07:03 2013
ot remember who it was awhile back was trying to setup their new sd2uiec
with the Mssiah Midi cartridge. First off determine what device number your sd2-uiec is using, simply pull up the disk directory LOAD"$",DV (DV is the device number) If you get any errors then keep trying the directory until you can pull up a directory and that of course is the device number the UIEC's firmware is set.
If you want to change the device number do the following:
OPEN1,10,15,"U0>"+chr$(new address):C
(the "new address is the device number you're changing")
If you want to save the current device number setting do the following:
OPEN1,new address,15,"XW":CLOSE1
Now insert your Mssiah cartridge
If you have any other C= drives attached to your C=64 power them up in sequence.
NOTE: all C= drives device numbers must not conflict with the sd2uiec device number.
MSSIAH cartridge only supports disk drive device numbers: 8-11
Go into MSSIAH "device manager" menu use cursor up/down keys to scroll down to "DRIVE" then (press return key), then: select "the device number" (use the cursor left/right keys)
So select what device number your sd2uiec uses.
Now from the menu select "directory"
The cartridge seems to have a way to save the current drive settings etc., I tried to save and then "power down computer". Powered up and checked the
device number but it wasn't set to Device #11. So I don't know how that works.
Now load the Sequencer from the main menu:
To test to see if you can save a Midi file to the sd2uiec load the Demo:
first select "NEW"
Now select LOAD, the demo is loaded in a flash, to get back to the main menu
press the arrow key that is above the "control-key". until you're at main menu.
Now select "save" and select "disk" (I believe is how its labelled) and then select the device number here, use the device number you're sd2uiec uses. The activity light will come on (on the sd2uiec unit) be patient and after a time the light will go out.
Now select "NEW" again to wipe out the demo. Now select "Load or Open" and select Disk drive and its device number, The file will take a while to load. Should work.
I tried all of this with my 128DCR (metal case) and was able to both LOAD and SAVE okay with MSSIAH. I hope this helps and works for you (sorry I forgot
your name)..
BTW if you have a Super CPU plugged in just switch off all of the toggle switches, but if you do a reset the cartridges ROM will not load (just goes to basic).So switch the system completely off and back on and the MSSIAH should then boot.
Hey how do I connect the Din connectors from the Midi Keyboard?
How can I determine what Midi channel to use ?
Terry Raymond
Commodore Addict made a web page to show his Commodore and LEGO setup. He uses a Commodore 64/128 to control his LEGO Mindstorms / Technic built robots. The interface is a B100 interface unit from a kit that was called the Robotic Workshop, which was manufactured in 1986. The joystick can be used to control the robotic arm.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Bernado
Sent: 01 October 2013 03:34
To: Commodore Free
Subject: Jim Drew opens website +
info on SuperCard Pro
Jim Drew, veteran programmer and hardware developer, has opened up his
new website,
Still a work in progress, his website right now offers the SX-64 Ultra Reset and the much-awaited SuperCard Professional, touted to be better than a Kryoflux board at reading/copying and writing floppy disks from virtually any computer platform. Here are the final specifications of SuperCard Pro --
* CPU: 40 MIPS (PIC24HJ256GP210A)
* RAM: 512K STATIC, 55ns
* USB: FTDI 240X FIFO, Full Speed
* SERIAL: Dual RS232 ports, one full or half duplex, one half duplex
* FLOPPY: 34 pin standard PC floppy interface, fully bi-directional
* SD-CARD: Micro SD card slot (1GB or larger cards)
* POWER: USB can power 3.5" drive directly, external power supply required for
5.25" drives
* MISC.: Future expansion port for IEC interface, future cycle exact 1541
drive emulator, possible SD2IEC.
* SOFTWARE: disk copier/imager and analyser software compatible with
On the waiting list for a SC Pro, Robert Bernardo Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Southern California Commodore & Amiga
Commodore Free: Information taken from the website
I have found several sets of drawings in a box that dates back 30 years to
when I worked at Commodore Business Machines in West Chester PA. I had assumed that these products eventually got released but I am starting to learn that maybe not. It might be possible that some of the schematics I will be posting have not seen the light of day outside the halls of CBM, unfortunately not all of them are complete sets.
We did have a constant background of projects that about 2/3 of the engineers whiled away the time while the annual release cycle projects that ultimately were shown at January CES in Las Vegas would go from conception to delivery in the foreground, often taking less than 6 months. This project was one of several that had the theme of 80 columns, and it's possible I suppose, that this product would not have been sold so as to promote the C128 if someone wanted 80 columns. Or its possible we were just confused after the driving force of Jack Tramiel was no longer with us.
Looking at the title block in the corner I see that this was drawn by our drafting person, Sue, and signed off by Doug Renn, a co-op that became engineer, working mostly on the Z8000 project, and ultimately was one of the guys that jumped to Atari when Jack Tramiel took the reins.
Much thanks to Mike Naberezny and his father for the work doing the scanning, and to Steve Gray for putting the bug in my ear and hooking me up with Mike.
Bil Herd
C64 80 Column Card Schematic 1 of 2
C64 80 Column Card Schematic 2 of 2
Hoxs64 is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows XP / 7. The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail. Hoxs64 is available for free download and has just recently been updated to version 1.0.8. Released by: David Horrocks
* A cycle exact emulation.
* Pixel exact VIC emulation of a C64C (the grey dot bug is not emulated).
* 1541 floppy disk drive (read and write).
* Tape player (read only).
* State save.
* Debugger.
* Full screen display.
* Action Reply
* Retro Reply
* Easy Flash (1MB)
* Ocean
* System 3
* Dinamic
* Magic Desk
* Super Games
* Zaxxon
* Fun Play
* Simons Basic
* Windows 7, Windows XP
* Core 2 Duo 1.5Ghz or Athlon 2Ghz or Pentium4 3Ghz.
* 1 GB RAM.
* 512 MB Graphics Card.
* DirectX 9 October 2006 or higher.
* Uses d3dx9_31.dll (32 bit) or d3dx9_31_x64.dll (64 bit)
* Install Microsoft Direct X.
* Copy all files to the same directory.
Victragic is working on a new game for the Commodore VIC-20. It's a VIC-20 version of the Atari 2600 version of the game of the same name. If you want to play the game you need a PAL version of the VIC-20 with a memory expansion.
You can follow the progress on the Denial forum. The game is played via a joystick and a preview download is available jus
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* Origin: Dragon's Lair (39:901/280)