Hello Sean.
12 Feb 19 18:07, you wrote to me:
Hello Ozz.
11 Feb 19 18:51, you wrote to Henri Derksen:
Synchronet - for the new QuickBBS code I am working on releasing
So are you writing a QuickBBS clone or did Benjamin give you the QBBS code? I'm friends with him on Facebook and was thinking about asking
him if I could get a key for QuickBBS...
Legally got my code before Ben. Requirement was not to use QuickBBS as the name. However, after speaking with Ben, finding out he lost 2.90+ source... I debating on grabing the trademark and spinngin QuickBBS back up - synchronize the 2.9 changes to my 2.8 source - and release it.
However, my agreement with Steve was when my company bought the source was not to step on the QuickBBS Team's shoes. My code base is much smaller, as I droppped OPRO, APRO, OO, QWIK, etc. And replaced all of that cdoe with assembly. For example, QCONFIG was 341kb, mine is just under 100kb. Similar look, but, dropped all the (p)OOP. ;-)
I would have no heartache in co-authoring with Ben... last time (about a year ago+) we spoke - he didn't seem to care about the 16bit world forward. And since I wrote my own compilers - I didn't care to go Delphi or Free Pascal.
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