Seems it has gotten very Quiet here.
There are other things in life besides BBSing.
I do understand that certainly.
I have a file on the BBS called "BEASYSOP.ZIP"...for those
who ever considered being a Sysop. Topics covered are:
1) Definition of a Twit -- Grant Bierman
2) You Want To Be A Sysop?? -- Tom Ezell
3) The Thankless Job -- Kris Lewis
4) Caring For Pet Sysops -- Fred Hunt
5) The True Twit Test -- Author Unknown
6) The Sysop Of A BBS -- Daryl Stout
Portions of it are funny...but sadly, much of it is true.
One Sysop, after a Co-Sysop, shared their logon with a
friend, caused that Sysop to shut his system down, go offline
forever, and sell his equipment (this was in 1985).
When I read #4 to a fellow Sysop (who was also a ham radio
operator...and this was patterned after ham radio operators,
but I modified it for Pet Sysops)...when I got to the last
section of "Breeding", he said "HELLO!!" <BG>.
... Never drink and drive. Hitting a bump spills your drink.
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