Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Okay it's just not popular here then. :) I'll try some of the discount places when I'm in next.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
Right? It's never in the store. Andrea was with me last time at
wally world and she couldn't find it either. LOL
Thanks though!
Try asking at the service desk. And ask your friends to ask. If they
sense a demand they may begin stocking it. But, then, this is Walmart we're talking about. There's a reason I don't do business with them.
Save thi for when you can be a carnivore again.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I can eat /some/. I had a burger the other day that mostly stayed
My doctors tell me I need to eat a lot more protien as it's protein
your body uses to repair itself. So tonight, I'm cracking out the
and will cook some boneless skinless chicken breasts to hot juicy and "gummable" perfection. LOL
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Try asking at the service desk. And ask your friends to ask. If they
sense a demand they may begin stocking it. But, then, this is Walmart we're talking about. There's a reason I don't do business with them.
I will try that if the service desk ever doesn't have a massive line.
I don't want a can bad enough to wait for an hour to be told "We dont' order things, call head office." which is what I can only assume will
be the response I get.
Save this for when you can be a carnivore again.
I can eat /some/. I had a burger the other day that mostly stayed
* Origin: _thePharcyde telnet:// (Wisconsin)
I can eat /some/. I had a burger the other day that mostly stayed
My doctors tell me I need to eat a lot more protien as it's protein
your body uses to repair itself. So tonight, I'm cracking out the
Instant Pot and will cook some boneless skinless chicken breasts to
hot juicy and "gummable" perfection. LOL
Shawn Highfield wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
I need to eat a lot more too. I may have to get a additive because
I can only eat so much cheese and fish before I lose my mind.
Ruth Haffly wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
Can you do protein shakes and such like? Sometimes something like that
is an easier way to get protein than trying to eat more. But, then you probably have to watch the carb/calorie/etc count.
I think the after effects of Hurricane/tropical storm/depression Debby knocked out my Fido for a few days.
Oh, I know they don't do special orders from the stores. That's what
the web site is for. Since I'm an Amazon Prime (and HyVee Perks+)
can order on-line and get free delivery.
I can eat /some/. I had a burger the other day that mostlyTest run? Does your condition have a name? Icertainly wouldnt want to catch it whatever the case.
I signed up at Pharcyde but found that their grafix are off-putting
and confusing. And they don't carry the Recipes echo. So, I'm gonna
have to find another alternative.
I need to eat a lot more too. I may have to get a additiveI can definitely understand where you're coming from.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Oh, I know they don't do special orders from the stores. That's what
the web site is for. Since I'm an Amazon Prime (and HyVee Perks+)
can order on-line and get free delivery.
We have Prime here too. So after spending a lot of time googling yesterday I believe something happened at the factory that makes the corned beef hash. IT's sold out pretty much everywhere, and what is available at amazon is so over priced it's not funny.
I was at the local Foodland (High end grocery store here) and found in
the fridge section a corned beef hash thing. Instructions are open the pouch and brown. I'll send my review with the brand tomorrow as Andrea
is coming to the woods later today (Friday) and I'll make it for our breakfast Saturday.
I can eat /some/. I had a burger the other day that mostlyTest run? Does your condition have a name? Icertainly wouldnt want to catch it whatever the case.
I don't know I haven't bothered getting tested, at this point I don't care. I just try meat now and again and some days all is good, other
days it is not good.
I signed up at Pharcyde but found that their grafix are off-putting
and confusing. And they don't carry the Recipes echo. So, I'm gonna
have to find another alternative.
He'll get any echo you want. As for graphics... once you are a member
you dont' even need to call the BBS unless you want to make a change
to echo areas. Just use FTP to download / uploads your QWK/REP.
It's just been a rock solid place for me to get mail and Nick is a nice guy who has gone waaaay out of his way for me in the past in regards to setting up point address and pretty much any other crazy request I've
had. LOL
Can you do protein shakes and such like? Sometimes something like that
is an easier way to get protein than trying to eat more. But, then you probably have to watch the carb/calorie/etc count.
I tried those and my gut didn't like them. I suspect I now have
Crohn's disease from all the weird antibiotics that got pumped into me afdter my heart attacks for eight months. I'm going to a VA gasteroenterologist in a coulple of weeks. A local VSO told me that
is they put in my record that they did this to me, he told me to
contact him as I would be eligible for 100% disability due to
I think the after effects of Hurricane/tropical storm/depressionDebby RH> knocked out my Fido for a few days.
Yeah, she was a sneaky one. We didn't feel any effects here--some
rain would be appreciated--but I think Newfoundland, PEI, and Nova
Scotia are in her path now.
Here's a recipe from our late friend, Michael.
Title: "Southern Chili Georgia Style"
Categories: Loo, Chili, Beef, Chilies, Southern
Yield: 1 Servings
Brown meat and add to chili pot along with broths, tomato sauce, and
green chiles. Add 2/3 of the spices. Cook for 2 hr. Add remaining
spices. Cook 1 hr or until meat is tender. Add salt to taste.
30th Annual World's Championship Recipe -adapted Georgia Weller,
Bloomfield, Hills MI From: (Michael Loo)
Hash has been going up faster than other foods for tha past few
years. Dunno the cause. But it used to be about the same price as a
found in the fridge section a corned beef hash thing.
open the pouch and brown. I'll send my review with the brand
I used to was that way. Let it sort itself out. But ignoring my high
blood pressure landed me in hospital in a coma and resulted in
damaged kidneys and other stuff. So I pay closer attention these
He seemed to be nice when I signed on. It's just not to my taste -
and as I mentioned I couldn't find the Recipes echo. S'all right. Not
end of the world.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Hash has been going up faster than other foods for tha past few
years. Dunno the cause. But it used to be about the same price as a
The canned stuff is sold out everywhere. On amazon the best price I
found was $45 for 4 cans. I don't want it that badly. :)
found in the fridge section a corned beef hash thing.
open the pouch and brown. I'll send my review with the brand
Okay it was a "Our compliments" brand (store brand) of corned beef hash
in a tube. After reading ingredients Andrea can not eat it. Why there
is flour in this I have no idea. I dumped some in a frying pan crisped
it up threw an egg on top. I ate some and the rest got tipped into the bin.
Not at all what I was expecting and I don't know why... It looked the
same as the canned, overly processed corn beef, tiny little potatoes.
I did not like the spice mixture one bit.
Glad I tried it, will wait for the canned crap for the next time I
crave it, or I will just use a canned CB and make the GD potato myself. LOL
I used to was that way. Let it sort itself out. But ignoring my high
blood pressure landed me in hospital in a coma and resulted in
damaged kidneys and other stuff. So I pay closer attention these
I am on top of the important stuff. Blood pressure is under control
with meds, Which reminds me I need to do blood work, I'll try to get that done tomorrow morning before work, it's just hard to leave the
house without my cup of coffee... I'm not awake. ;)
He seemed to be nice when I signed on. It's just not to my taste -
and as I mentioned I couldn't find the Recipes echo. S'all right. Not
end of the world.
True enough! I know the one we are not allowed to talk about yet is working smoothly. I'm down to Pharcyde and that one pretty much as
my regular's.
Dave Drum wrote to Shawn Highfield <=-
I'll e-mail for an answer as to which oone "we are not allowed to talk about yet". Just curious.
ago. Sheesh. Armour is a couple bucks less in money and a long chalk
short in taste.
I crave it, or I will just use a canned CB and make the GDIOW you'll know better next time.
They used to have me get my vampire visits on "fasting". Although tea
or coffee was allowed (w/o sugar). Currently they have dropped the no
food requirement. But I always ask for forms sake. Don't wanna screw
the pooch on that.
I'll e-mail for an answer as to which oone "we are not allowed to
talk about yet". Just curious.
Sean Dennis wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I'll e-mail for an answer as to which oone "we are not allowed to talk about yet". Just curious.
He means me, Dave. XD
I am still having issues with DOSemu not working so no DOS doors yet
and why I haven't officially put up a welcome sign yet. I do have some
of my file areas set up but no one really uses them much anymore.
Scrabble is the only one I give two hoots about. Back in the day, before the ionterweb became a "thing" we had a guy who worked for Burroughs and salvaged one of their mini-frame B-20 confusers. Lee built a home-brew, multi-line BBS on it where one could do on-line chat or play live on-line games (Mostly D&D style)
The system was called "Minnie" and every few months we'd have a Minnie- Fest where we'd get together for food, beverage and chin wagging. It was
an early, local version of the Cooking Echo picnics.
Title: Minnie Pearl's County Breakfast
Dave Drum wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
Scrabble is the only one I give two hoots about. Back in the day,
before the ionterweb became a "thing" we had a guy who worked for Burroughs and salvaged one of their mini-frame B-20 confusers. Lee
built a home-brew, multi-line BBS on it where one could do on-line chat
or play live on-line games (Mostly D&D style)
The system was called "Minnie" and every few months we'd have a Minnie- Fest where we'd get together for food, beverage and chin wagging. It
was an early, local version of the Cooking Echo picnics. We still get together (those of us who haven't fallen off our twigs or relocated) on the second Wednesday of every month for food & beverage and catching
Lee is retired from a position as head of IT for State Farm
insurance and now works part-time as a hearse driver for a local
funeral home. Just to have "something to do".
Rather like me an AutoZone. Bv)=
Ben Collver wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Scrabble is the only one I give two hoots about. Back in the day, before the ionterweb became a "thing" we had a guy who worked for Burroughs and salvaged one of their mini-frame B-20 confusers. Lee built a home-brew, multi-line BBS on it where one could do on-line chat or play live on-line games (Mostly D&D style)
That sounds fun! Back in the day i played a game on IRC called Acrophobia. I write a clone in C for a MUD-style game, and have since
lost the source code.
The system was called "Minnie" and every few months we'd have a Minnie- Fest where we'd get together for food, beverage and chin wagging. It was an early, local version of the Cooking Echo picnics.
That sounds even more fun.
Title: Minnie Pearl's County Breakfast
Which county? The word associations that come to mind are "county
fair" and "county jail." :}
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
They used to have me get my vampire visits on "fasting". Although
tea or coffee was allowed (w/o sugar). Currently they have dropped
the no food requirement. But I always ask for forms sake. Don't
wanna screw the pooch on that.
If they could drop the no coffee thing I'd get it done asap. Of
course the other day I woke up and my right hip seems to be "off".
I can't put any weight on it and am walking with a cane.
I don't even want to drive just in case.
I'll e-mail for an answer as to which oone "we are not allowed to
talk about yet". Just curious.
Just Sean's outpost. It's not like it's a secret I was being tounge in cheek since I believe while he's setting up it's invite only and I know you and I were invited. ;)
I ran a BBS under Citadel - which was basd loosely on the D&D structure with the subjects called "rooms" rather than "echoes". Networking was
done by direct calling - so it was as loose and sloppy as life itself.
Not structured as Fido seems to be. Bv)=
Here's a link to the Wiki -
Ben Collver wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Re: Re: Canadian hash?
By: Dave Drum to Ben Collver on Wed Aug 21 2024 05:42:00
I ran a BBS under Citadel - which was basd loosely on the D&D structure with the subjects called "rooms" rather than "echoes". Networking was
done by direct calling - so it was as loose and sloppy as life itself.
Not structured as Fido seems to be. Bv)=
Here's a link to the Wiki -
I ran Citadel for a brief period of time. If i recall correctly, i ran
it on OpenBSD with nginx as the web server. It was not networked, so
to say. Citadel was nice because it was written in C and used little hardware resources, compared to a PHP-based bulletin board. I seem to recall it got a little technical at times.
Is this the D&D that you are referencing?
Maybe you've met Mr. Ritis. Arthur has been with me for some time. My ortho doc says it's more the cartilage which lubricates the joint
me. But in that tab only two of them show up, Two are posts I have
written and one is random. It's got him puzzled. But I have faith.
Sean will worry at it until it's right. In between doctor visits.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Maybe you've met Mr. Ritis. Arthur has been with me for some time. My ortho doc says it's more the cartilage which lubricates the joint
Yes I have that in my hands. Could be in the hip as well, but Andrea reminded me of the sciatiac (I'm sure that's spelt wrong) and based on hamstring and my history it's that.
Real fun as I can't walk much further then the bathroom and even that causes some minor yelling. ;)
me. But in that tab only two of them show up, Two are posts I have
written and one is random. It's got him puzzled. But I have faith.
Sean will worry at it until it's right. In between doctor visits.
I'm grabbing offline mail packets from him (Bluewave) and everything is matching what I'm getting from Pharcyde. I haven't noticed anything
off with it yet.
I've found one annoying thing, however I don't believe it's on his end
but an issue with the version of infozip that's built into sempoint. I will unzip it and
re-zip a packet with dos pkzip and see if that solves it before I
report it. ;)
Would one of those old-folks walking frames help? I've got one that I
use when I'm unsteady on my pins. Don't know if it would he'p with
the sciatica pain or mot
I like BlueWave but have quit using it as Outpost is the only board I
call which offers it.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I've found one annoying thing, however I don't believe it's on his end
but an issue with the version of infozip that's built into sempoint. I will unzip it and
re-zip a packet with dos pkzip and see if that solves it before I
report it. ;)
Dave Drum wrote to Shawn Highfield <=-
Yesterday the count/amount and placement was accurate. Today I have a message from you and one from Ruth. Neither re in the personal messages tab. <SHRUG> It's not a biggie as I can dig the messages out of the cooking echo tab fairly easily. I just hope it's not a symptom of some deepy rooted problem with Sean's software.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I'm using sempoit which also imports / exports bluewave so I've always used that packet format. Since Talisman, ezycom, etc all had it built
in as well.
That is a known issue with the older versions of Info-ZIP's
archivers. If not, I have other archivers. I use ARJ (the open
source version) myself.
Sean Dennis wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Yesterday the count/amount and placement was accurate. Today I have a message from you and one from Ruth. Neither re in the personal messages tab. <SHRUG> It's not a biggie as I can dig the messages out of the cooking echo tab fairly easily. I just hope it's not a symptom of some deepy rooted problem with Sean's software.
You're the only one reporting issues out of the current user base.
I've had no issues myself. I think your packet may be having issues during the file transfer process. I've also checked the code and
haven't seen any issues yet. I'm not sure what else is going on and
the only "weak" point in the process is the transfer process.
Shawn Highfield wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
I'll try changing the archiver and see if that helps. :) As I said I didn't think it was an issue on your end, I've experienced it before
with Silver Xpress. (On a different BBS from yours)
Dave Drum wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
It must be the CIA using comic rays to snoop on my traffic. Bv)= I'll dummy up about it since it's a: not a big deal, and b: unique to me.
Meanwhile - I have discovered a website that I usefd to use just for
their recipes has really good information articles for us poor home
chefs who wonder why?????
Sysop: | Keyop |
Location: | Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK |
Users: | 427 |
Nodes: | 16 (2 / 14) |
Uptime: | 91:57:24 |
Calls: | 9,046 |
Calls today: | 3 |
Files: | 13,393 |
Messages: | 6,014,123 |