• Autonomous driving: Saving millions in t

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Nov 4 21:30:36 2021
    Autonomous driving: Saving millions in test kilometers

    November 4, 2021
    Graz University of Technology
    Researchers have developed a method to validate test drives through
    highly realistic driving simulation studies and to substantially
    simplify the approval process for automated driving systems.

    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Driving simulator tests are popular -- for understandable reasons: any
    scenario can be simulated at the touch of a button. They are independent
    of time and weather conditions and without any safety risk for the
    vehicle, people or the environment. Moreover, an hour in the driving
    simulator is cheaper and requires less organization than a real driving
    lesson on a test track. "In the field of highly automated driving,
    however, driving simulator studies are often questioned because of the
    lack of realism. In addition, until recently there were no standardized
    test procedures that could have been used to check complex tasks such as
    the mutual interaction between human and system (handover procedures),"
    says Arno Eichberger, head of the research area "Automated Driving &
    Driver Assistance Systems" at the Institute of Automotive Engineering
    at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz).

    New regulation as initial spark Recently, because the first global
    regulation for Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) has been in force
    since the beginning of 2021. This law resolves the road approval dilemma,
    as Eichberger explains: "Until now, regulatory authorities did not know
    how to test and approve autonomous driving systems.

    The vehicle manufacturers, in turn, did not know what requirements
    the systems had to meet in order to be approved." In the regulations,
    the approval criteria for highly automated systems (autonomous driving
    level 3) up to a maximum speed of 60 km/h have now been specified
    for the first time on the basis of a traffic jam assistant. When the
    assistant is activated, responsibility for control is transferred to
    the machine. The driver may take their hands off the steering wheel,
    but has to immediately take over again in the event of a malfunction.

    The system must recognize that the person behind the wheel is capable
    of doing this.

    Based on this regulation, Eichberger and his research partners
    from Fraunhofer Austria, AVL and JOANNEUM RESEARCH have developed an
    efficient method over the last few months by which the readiness to take
    over control can be tested safely, efficiently, and to a high degree realistically in a driving simulator and the results can be used for
    the certification of ALKS systems.

    Identical machine perception of the environment Processes were required to prove the validity of the driving simulation using the test drive. The
    basis for this was a direct comparison -- driving simulation and
    real driving (the AVL test track in Gratkorn, Styria, served as the
    test location) had to match as closely as possible. Here, the machine perception of the environment posed a challenge. Figuratively speaking,
    machine perception is the sensory organs of the vehicle. It has the task
    of precisely recording the vehicle's surroundings -- from the landscape
    and environmental objects to other road users -- so that the driving
    assistance system can react appropriately to the situation. Eichberger:
    "If this is to run the same as in reality, the environments in the
    simulation have to match the real environment to the exact centimetre." Transferring the driving routes to the driving simulator his accuracy is achieved using so-called "Ultra High Definition Maps" (UHDmaps (R)) from JOANNEUM RESEARCH (JR), one of the world's leading research institutions
    in the field of digital twins. "We use a mobile mapping system to measure
    the test environments. Finally, a seamless 3D map with an extremely
    high level of detail is created from the measurement data. In addition
    to traffic infrastructure objects such as traffic signs, lane markings
    and guard rails, vegetation and buildings are also represented in this
    map," says Patrick Luley, head of the research laboratory for highly
    automated driving at the DIGITAL Institute. While comparable accuracy
    can be achieved with manual 3D modelling, JR's automated UHD mapping
    process is many times cheaper and faster.

    The high-resolution 3D environment is finally transferred to the driving simulator. This is where the Fraunhofer Austria team come in. Volker
    Settgast from the Visual Computing business unit: "We prepare the data in
    such a way that the 3D environment can be displayed at high speed." Even reflective and transparent surfaces or trees and bushes blown by the wind
    can be perceived naturally. Depending on the test scenario, additional
    vehicles or even people can then be added to the virtual environment.

    The validation is finally verified with the help of comparative runs on
    the real route. "With our method, it is possible for car manufacturers
    to easily compare and validate a certain sampling on the real track
    and in the driving simulator. This means that the test can ultimately
    be transferred from the real track to the driving simulator," says
    Eichberger. The TU Graz researcher and his team are now working on
    setting up virtual approval tests over the next few months.

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    Graz_University_of_Technology. Original written by Christoph Pelzl. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.


    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211104162630.htm

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