Hi! Alexander,
On 02 Feb 19 11:00, you wrote to All:
Yes, Fidonet cannot purge messages sent by idiots.
The old Fidonet way of purging idiot users worked, and took little effort. It seems that some sysops survived the process if it was indeed applied in the haste to get more systems on-line.
But here the comments are unbreakable. Idiots will always see what the people think about them.
Then it behooves us to not be unkind to those who cannot help themselves. Negative behaviour begets a negative environment. A positive response encourages their exit.
... In memory of Leutnant Friedrich Lengfeld, 12 November 1944.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20130515
* Origin: Quinn's Rock - Live from Paul's Xubuntu desktop! (3:640/1384)