• can you expand a little...

    From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Stas Mishchenkov on Sun Jul 18 13:12:00 2021
    Hello Stas Mishchenkov!

    ** On Thursday 15.07.21 - 23:50, Stas Mishchenkov wrote to IB Joe:

    [0] Install Telegram on the device of your choice, if
    you havn't one installed.

    [1] Send a %LIST command in the chat with the
    @Fido2telebot for list of available areas.

    [2] Send a %help command in the chat with the
    @Fido2telebot for more info.

    Fell free to send me any questions. :)

    Once a newbie has completed [1] and [2], what is the minimum
    requirement to complete the %userprofile?

    The %userprofile command seems to be mandatory, but it is not
    clear what actually needs to be filled out (if anything) for
    that. Is sending just the %userprofile without parameters good
    enough for the first-time user?

    [see ==cc: fidonet.telegram==]


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: tg_bbs-> https://t.me/joinchat/TWCQfOZqwwOmweR1 (2:221/1.58)