• Number of the Beast

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to ALL on Wed Sep 20 00:42:58 2023
    Hello Everybody,

    The REAL Number of the Beast has never
    been what most folks suspected. And yet,
    always in plain sight. Revelation 13:18

    Many people around the world thought the
    events of 9/11 was the beginning of the end
    of the world. Why? Because the number 9-11
    is evil, as it supposedly symbolizes Lucifer
    since '10' is god in numerology.

    However, the world has survived 9-11.
    And Osama bin Laden is no more, having
    been fed to the fishes in the sea.

    So it looks like GWB had it all wrong.
    Not really his fault, as math was never
    his strong suit.

    Revelation 9:11 was interpreted by some
    to mean Osama bin Laden, but was clearly
    a misinterpretation. As shown by Obama.

    No question about it. Osama bin Laden
    is not, and never has been, the Antichrist.

    Which brings us to The Real Date of The End.

    You can find it in the Book of Revelation.
    But I'll spare you the details. Far better
    to get right to the chase.

    You see, 9-23 must have an occult meaning
    like 9-11. That is just the way things work.
    I have already explained the meaning of the
    number 9-11, so there is no need to repeat
    myself in that regard.

    However, there is the question about 9-23.
    Why would anybody even consider that number
    as being an occult number? Certainly there
    must be a reason. And there is. A very good

    Bad things happen at the fall equinox.

    IOW, a game-changing event will happen on
    or near September 23. And we are almost there.

    In 2023 the moment of equinox is on Saturday,
    September 23, at 2:49 EST AM.

    There. I done it.
    I told you when The End will be.
    So when it happens, give me full credit.
    I mean, really. I deserve it. Had it not
    been for me, you never would have known.
    And then what would you have done?
    Pray? As if that would have saved you?
    C'mon. Be a man. Stand up and be counted.
    It is the least you can do.
    Before getting smashed.

    The Bible has noted this, but I promised
    not to go there, as some in this echo might
    find that sacrilegious. But it is in there.
    Even if none of us understands a word of it.

    However, Hollywood is not the Bible. And
    even though the writers are still on strike,
    the films already shown are not.

    So what does Hollywood have to say on this?

    Deep Impact - September 22 date of asteroid impact

    Even Almighty - Flood on September 22.

    LOST - the plane crashes on "the island" September 22

    Knowing - solar micronova or giant solar flare hits earth 9/22 or 23

    Since Tokyo is 13 hours ahead of NYC, the same could be said for Deep
    Impact and Evan Almighty

    The event is already on 0/23 depending on your time zone.

    Big Bang Theory asteroid hits September 23

    Seeking a Friend For the End asteroid hits September 23

    Asteroid City, 'Each year, we celebrate Asteroid Day, commemorating
    September 23, 3007 BC when the asteroid hit."

    Little Shop of Horrors, September 23

    Tomorrowland timer for destruction indicator September 23

    NCIS episode 'Last Men Standing' Quote "Do they know about 9/23?
    No 23?"

    Ghostbusters II "evil is released" September 23

    This is the End - camcorder date indicates September 23 as the
    date of the rapture

    Labyrinth time indicates 9/23 when evil overcomes world

    I am sure one can find many more instances where Hollywood
    has shown the real date for The End of All. All one has to do
    is look in all the right places. And it will be shown to them.

    So. There you go. And remember -


    For Life,

    Coronovirus doesn't effect rats n snakes so most of u are safe.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)