Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
If anyone disrespects trans persons around me, their pronouns will swiftly become was/were.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm int gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
Finally out of the closet...
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm int gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
If anyone disrespects trans persons around me, their pronouns will
swiftly become was/were.
undecided and independent voters. In 2020, Trump did the same thing. Both of them lost.
Instead of learning from this mistake, the Biden administration has decided to pander to one of the
Democrat's "special interest groups," who are already on board with the agenda, and to upset any
folks who happen to view today as a religious holiday... probably their most holy one.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into
gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
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I also see a big problem in the fact that it is known that many men are autogynophyle, i.e. have a fetish for putting on women's clothes and/or fancying themselves as women, and some of those men are now abusing the new trans person rights and causing all sorts of trouble. This leads to radicalization in society, and for those few who are truly and
genuninely trans, this makes lives harder and not easier.
Each day while Christians are enjoying their Easter Sunday dinner, I'll share my surgery story! ;)
But seriously, it's bizarre how the left calculates and segregates transgender people. The definitely seem to think that there's voter turnout potential in transgender people, and that's a ridiculous miscalculation, and even more is that they're counting on transgender votes even moreso than Christian votes. Someone in their accounting department is going to get fired.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm int gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
IB Joe wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
Finally out of the closet...
Aaron Thomas wrote to IB Joe <=-
Each day while Christians are enjoying their Easter Sunday dinner, I'll share my surgery story! ;)
But seriously, it's bizarre how the left calculates and segregates transgender people. The definitely seem to think that there's voter turnout potential in transgender people, and that's a ridiculous miscalculation, and even more is that they're counting on transgender votes even moreso than Christian votes. Someone in their accounting department is going to get fired.
votes even moreso than Christian votes. Someone in their accounting department is going to get fired.
It's 2024... Usually during an election year the Democrats tack to the center and then after the election they venture back to the left. Not Joe... He's going further left. I'm okay with it though. I have been arguing that Biden is Trump's best campaign asset. Build Back Better is building Trump Back Better.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I' gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
No one is disrespecting anything - but to try and recreate Easter is despicable IMO.
When I heard that Sleepy Joe declared Easter to be Trans Visibility Day,
I pointed out every transformer my wife and I walked by, along with
every car (which has a TRANSmission). Sadly, we did not see any Trans
Ams on our walk.
A long time ago, I used to go to Penguicon. It started as a geek convension, but slowly turned Woke. One year, they allocated 1/2 of the available restrooms to be for "trans people". Now, if 1/2 of the attendees were trans, that would be reasonable. But less than 1% were trans, so it made no sense.
When I heard that Sleepy Joe declared Easter to be Trans Visibility Day,
I pointed out every transformer my wife and I walked by, along with
every car (which has a TRANSmission). Sadly, we did not see any Trans
Ams on our walk.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!int AT> gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm
If anyone disrespects trans persons around me, their pronouns will
swiftly become was/were.
Good policy! Joe Biden is your first offender. He's disrespecting them bigtime by segregating them from the LGBTQ equation and by exploiting them with the hopes of getting a few extra votes.
I'm with you on Joe Biden becoming a was/were.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!int AT> gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm
No one is disrespecting anything - but to try and recreate Easter is despicable IMO.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm into
gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
If anyone disrespects trans persons around me, their pronouns will swiftly
become was/were.
It isn't so much about disrespect, in this case, but a case of an administration being so out of touch
that they decided pissing off conservative Christians, who celebrate Easter today, by making it a
Transgender day is a good idea. They do so totally ignoring that they might also upset less
conservative Christians who might not be too happy with Trump right now and, although they may
not be offended are smart enough to see that this is a case of the administration going too far.
So instead of doing something to reach out to them, the Biden Administration does its best to push
those folks back towards Trump. Real smart, with an election approaching, to throw their flailing
opponent yet another rope.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm int gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
No one is disrespecting anything - but to try and recreate Easter is despicable IMO.
Blame the media outlets that the conservative people get their news from. None of them acknowledged that this was the third March 31st that Biden issued this proclamation, nor that it has been celebrated Internationally since 2009 on that day.
It's the outrage machine manufacturing outrage.
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but I'm int gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
"Dammit, Janet!"
I'm with you on Joe Biden becoming a was/were.
The unbelievable amount of hoop-jumping and mental gymnastics you have
to arrive at that conclusion astounds me.
Blame the media outlets that the conservative people get their news
from. None of them acknowledged that this was the third March 31st that Biden issued this proclamation, nor that it has been celebrated Internationally since 2009 on that day.
It's the outrage machine manufacturing outrage.
Aaron Thomas wrote to IB Joe <=-
Another perk is that is that Joe Biden is our example whenever we talk about Democrats from now on.
Every single Democrat throughout the
country shares the blame for what he's done, because he did it to
empower them all.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Mike Miller <=-
Blame it people who actually care about what kind of junk people have
in their pants. I certainly don't care. Biden sure cares though.
Who's outraged? Nobody in the echo seems to be.
Another perk is that is that Joe Biden is our example whenever we tal about Democrats from now on.
Sleepy Joe is the scapegoat and was intended to be the scapegoat from
the start of his rule. They know he isn't going to live much longer. Especially if he has some dirt on Hilary.
While true, the Elitists are going to try to push it all on him. Joe
will get pushed out in the next election. All the blame will be heaped
on his name. He will pass away in his sleep when they stop giving him
his drugs. Then they expect the slate to be wiped clean.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
"Intended," yea probably. But we can't let Biden hog all the blame.
He's just a high ranking member of the party that did all this to us.
The only Democrat who's allowed to criticize Biden is RFK Jr because
he's left the party.
The other elitists expect to be able to say "Biden had dementia" or whatever, but I just hope that regular people can do the math and come
to the conclusion that no other Democrat ever spoke out against The
Great Replacement or about any of the other Biden-induced catastrophes.
The 2024 election truly puts our intelligence to the test. I hope we
The only Democrat who's allowed to criticize Biden is RFK Jr because he's left the party.
And because he probably has lots of dirt on them. If the Elitists try anything, he'll go scorched earth on them.
to the conclusion that no other Democrat ever spoke out against The Great Replacement or about any of the other Biden-induced catastrophe
The problem is that the Ignorant Elitsts can't think for themselves and, so, will never comprehend this. To them, Biden's policies are working.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The media is attacking him already. They're calling him a "conspiracy theorist" but I don't believe that his theories have been disproved.
The Great Replacement really is working. It would be difficult to
complain about something beneficial, with a straight face.
They can think for themselves, but doing that isn't profitable.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Mike Miller <=-
Blame it people who actually care about what kind of junk people have
in their pants. I certainly don't care. Biden sure cares though.
Who's outraged? Nobody in the echo seems to be.
The Ignorant Elitists have their faux outrage so that they can lay claim to some victimhood.
The media is attacking him already. They're calling him a "conspiracy theorist" but I don't believe that his theories have been disproved.
But remember that the media has caused the term "conspitacy theorist" to mean "the one who was right all along".
Happy Transexual Awareness Day!
I'm intI don't know what those crazy Christians are up to today, but
gender reassignment surgery today! ;)
"Dammit, Janet!"
I'm glad we're enjoying the new holiday together.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The last thing a conspirator wants to hear is somebody complaining
about a conspiracy.
And the last thing a brainwashed monkey wants to
hear is that somebody's "conspiracy theory" came true.
But something that the conspirators have learned is that even when the truth is uncovered, they must still double-down on their lies or else
risk losing the support of all the people they've brainwashed. (A huge investment down the drain? No way!)
And the last thing a brainwashed monkey wants to
hear is that somebody's "conspiracy theory" came true.
Which is why you never hear anyone apologizing for what they demanded
was true during the scamdemic.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Liberals don't want to talk politics anymore. The truth ruined it for them.
Today, "Classical liberals" are "far right" because the Marxists have pushed "the left" so far to the left. The Ignorant Elitists see everything through a political lens and never want to talk about
anything but politics. But they don't want to debate or argue: They
just want to tell you why you are wrong.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
They enjoy the virtue signaling. Parroting what the media says probably gives them a sense of security. (e.g. "I'm saying what Whoopie says, so I'm definitely not racist." or "I'm voting for Biden just like Bon Jovi said, so I'm definitely going to be singing back up vocals on his next album."
When I was a kid I had a dream that I was hanging out with the guys
from Megadeth. I actually looked up to rock stars back then, but I grew out of it. This makes me realize that the problem with today's liberals
is that they don't grow up, they idolize celebrities, and they don't
know where money comes from.
Today, "Classical liberals" are "far right" because the Marxists have
pushed "the left" so far to the left. The Ignorant Elitists see
everything through a political lens and never want to talk about
anything but politics. But they don't want to debate or argue: They
just want to tell you why you are wrong.
They enjoy the virtue signaling. Parroting what the media says probably gives them a sense of security. (e.g. "I'm saying what Whoopie says, so I'm definitely not racist." or "I'm voting for Biden just like Bon Jovi said, so I'm definitely going to be singing back up vocals on his next album."
When I was a kid I had a dream that I was hanging out with the guys from Megadeth. I actually looked up to rock stars back then, but I grew out of it. This makes me realize that the problem with today's liberals is that they don't grow up, they idolize celebrities, and they don't know where money comes from.
They enjoy the virtue signaling. Parroting what the media says probab gives them a sense of security. (e.g. "I'm saying what Whoopie says, I'm definitely not racist." or "I'm voting for Biden just like Bon Jo said, so I'm definitely going to be singing back up vocals on his nex album."
It's not only virtue signaling. It's the fact that they have stopped thinking for themsleves. They are comfortable with the idea of letting someone else do their thinking for them.
I've hung out with lots of "rock stars". (not the hands that sell out stadiums, but the ones that earn their living from touring and putting
out albums)
I've hung out with lots of "rock stars". (not the hands that sell
out stadiums, but the ones that earn their living from touring
and putting out albums)
Does that have anything to do with you being a liberal? If you go
around telling people that "Biden sucks" or something, then maybe
those rock stars won't wanna hang out with you anymore?
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
This describes our liberal Fidonet friends pretty accurately. And to
some extent, conservatives let the media do the thinking for them also.
It's obvious that there's "dueling" media forces (i.e. cnn vs fox,) but what's not obvious is that they're not actually dueling, and they're conspiring with one another.
I don't recall ever having a political conversation with any of them.
well, unless you count the band that beheaded GWB, Trump, and Reagan on stage over the years.
This describes our liberal Fidonet friends pretty accurately. And to some extent, conservatives let the media do the thinking for them als
That's one of the reasons I say that there are no "liberals" or "conservatives" anymore. The terms have lost their meaning.
It's obvious that there's "dueling" media forces (i.e. cnn vs fox,) b what's not obvious is that they're not actually dueling, and they're conspiring with one another.
When Fox shut down Newt when he mentioned Soros, it was clear that they were controlled opposition. Yet the Ignorant Elitists still think that Fox News is "right win extreme propaganda".
I've hung out with lots of "rock stars". (not the hands that sell out stadiums, but the ones that earn their living from touring and putting out albums)
Most are pretty chill people. Some are neurotic, paranoid messes that see conspiracies and think everyone and everything is out to get them.
Their lives are sad, they trust no one, assume the worst of everyone, even their band mates, and burn out in under a decade.
Often they jump from band to band, until eventually no one wants to deal with their constant paranoid crap.
It's not only virtue signaling. It's the fact that they have stopped
thinking for themsleves. They are comfortable with the idea of letting
someone else do their thinking for them.
This describes our liberal Fidonet friends pretty accurately. And to some extent, conservatives let the media do the thinking for them also. It's obvious that there's "dueling" media forces (i.e. cnn vs fox,) but what's not obvious is that they're not actually dueling, and they're conspiring with one another.
There are probably millions of conservative-minded people who are watching The Chris Cuomo Show on NewsNation, because they're not thinking for themselves. They forgot that he's the little brother/sidekick of the hairy gorilla rapist known as Andrew Cuomo.
"News Nation: Unbiased US News, hosted by Chris Cuomo!"
This describes our liberal Fidonet friends pretty accurately. And to extent, conservatives let the media do the thinking for them also. It obvious that there's "dueling" media forces (i.e. cnn vs fox,) but wh not obvious is that they're not actually dueling, and they're conspir with one another.
That's right. It's a conspiracy. A vast right-wing conspiracy.
Just like Hillary said it was, so many decades ago. And she should
know (look who she is married to).
That's right. It's a conspiracy. A vast right-wing conspiracy.
Just like Hillary said it was, so many decades ago. And she should
know (look who she is married to).
You nailed it, except it's not a right-wing conspiracy, it's a globalist one.
Globalists favor Democrats because Democrats give most of our money to them
so that they can do horrible things with it.
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