I am trying to add a dos door and have the following issues:
cannot setup graphics mode under terminal.
Any ideas? Does synchronet support dos graphics?
I am trying to install the game darkness it complains about the size of the screen. Note Dos needs 25 lines enlarge window before starting that is what error I am getting.
I am trying to install the game darkness it complains about the size of the screen. Note Dos needs 25 lines enlarge window before starting that
is what error I am getting.
I see one issue and not sure where to fix this:
it can't find DOOR.SYS the directory slashing is wrong.
It has D:/gbbs/sbbs/node1\DOOR.SYS not found in log
Ok, right now i have it command line like this dark16.exe %n the n wold be the node number that user is currently at correct?
Ok, right now i have it command line like this dark16.exe %n the n wold be the node number that user is currently at correct?
I didn't find any clear docs on the game darkness. Did you?
Interesting the darkness zip file I got didnt have start.bat? Where did you get the file? Thanks
Oh ok, I will try that. This is where I got it
Re: Re: Dosemu door help?
By: tmccaffe to Nightfox on Mon Feb 20 2023 12:19 pm
I didn't find any clear docs on the game darkness. Did you?
I didn't find any clear docs on the game darkness. Did you?
there arent any docs with the archive?
Re: Re: Dosemu door help?
By: tmccaffe to Nightfox on Mon Feb 20 2023 12:19 pm
I didn't. But I've been able to get Darkness to run.
There's a batch file, START.BAT, and in there, I saw that it has this command:
So it looks like you can pass the command-line argument /N with the node number. In SCFG, I now have it set to run DARKNESS.EXE /N%# and it's working. Just be sure to run DARKCFG and configure the door with the drop file type and the location of the drop file. The location of the drop file should always be D:\ for all nodes when using dosemu. Currently I have it set to use DOOR.SYS for the drop file type.
â– Synchronet â– Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
I did the following:
command line DARK16.EXE /N%#
in externalbat file in that node which is 3 has:
That is for sure wrong isn't suposed to be D:/NODE3/DOOR.SYS ?
if I add this in command line in scfg DARK16.EXE %f
and in darkness.cfg file I add D:/DOOR.SYS I am able to see game and play it. However, I am guessing that is wrong approach here. I am guessing maybe dosemu2 is the issue here or I am doing something wrong. I
Re: Re: Dosemu door help?
By: tmccaffe to Nightfox on Mon Feb 20 2023 08:09 pm
I haven't tried that, as I haven't seen anything to suggest the exe would take a parameter specifying the full path & filename of the dropfile. From the batch file, the only example I've seen is one taking /N with the node number.
Also, I don't have a DARK16.EXE. Maybe you have a different copy than I have.
â– Synchronet â– Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
Also, I don't have a DARK16.EXE. Maybe you have a different copy than
I have.
I have the latest release version 2.0. Do you know what version you have? Are you using dosemu2?
I have the latest release version 2.0. Do you know what version you have?
Re: Re: Dosemu door help?
By: tmccaffe to Nightfox on Tue Feb 21 2023 02:00 am
Now that you mention Darkness 2.0, I just downloaded it. Earlier you asked about documentation.. I see there is a DARKNESS.DOC in version 2.
â– Synchronet â– Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
Darkness executable, followed by the "/N%3" parameter.
Command Line DARK16.EXE /N%3
in Darkness CFG, I have it like this:
in Darkness CFG, I have it like this:
I didn't find any clear docs on the game darkness. Did you?
there arent any docs with the archive?
Why are you replying to me? I didn't write what you quoted.
I didn't find any clear docs on the game darkness. Did you?
I didn't. But I've been able to get Darkness to run.
There's a batch file, START.BAT, and in there, I saw that it has this --end---
And no, there are no docs in the archive, aside from a whatsnew.txt (at least in the zip file I have).
Why are you replying to me? I didn't write what you quoted.
And no, there are no docs in the archive, aside from a whatsnew.txt (at least in the zip file I have).
Ah, it looks like mine is v1.00 beta 2. And yes, I'm using dosemu2 (though I'm not sure how that's related).
And no, there are no docs in the archive, aside from a whatsnew.txt
(at least in the zip file I have).
docs. no start.bat
Re: Re: Dosemu door help?
By: MRO to Nightfox on Tue Feb 21 2023 06:40 pm
docs. no start.bat
The archive I had was different (it wasn't named Drk100b2.zip), and the one I had didn't have a darkness.doc. And start.bast was generated after you ran the configuration program.
Re: Re: Dosemu door help?
By: tmccaffe to Ryan Fantus on Tue Feb 14 2023 01:55 pm
tm> I see one issue and not sure where to fix this:
tm> it can't find DOOR.SYS the directory slashing is wrong.
tm> It has D:/gbbs/sbbs/node1\DOOR.SYS not found in log
Normally (and by default, I think), your dosemu setup with Synchronet should be set up such that drive D: is whatever node directory the user is on (so D: would be your sbbs/node1), so your door configuration would just need to specify D:\DOOR.SYS as the drop file (or be pointed to D:\DOOR.SYS by the %F command-line specifier, or perhaps be pointed to D:\ with the %n command-line spedifier - and note the 'n' there is lower-case, as I'm pretty sure %N (capital N) is the node number).
for dosemu2 i had to add -d $NODEDIR -d $XTRNDIR to exec/dosemu.ini to get mapped these drives
El 14/2/23 a las 19:50, Nightfox escribió:
for dosemu2 i had to add -d $NODEDIR -d $XTRNDIR to exec/dosemu.ini to
get mapped these drives
ï¿ Synchronet ï¿ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar
for dosemu2 i had to add -d $NODEDIR -d $XTRNDIR to exec/dosemu.ini to
get mapped these drives
Interesting where does that command go in the cmd=?
I have this:
Sysop: | Keyop |
Location: | Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK |
Users: | 428 |
Nodes: | 16 (2 / 14) |
Uptime: | 99:29:43 |
Calls: | 9,049 |
Calls today: | 6 |
Files: | 13,395 |
Messages: | 6,014,730 |