• text file base transplant possible?

    From Sprite@1:103/705 to All on Wed Nov 25 03:44:01 2020
    Hey there, I just realized that I have another question in the same vein as the one that I'd asked previously. As I'd mentioned I'd done a lot of customization of my local message boards on the 3.16b openbsd synchronet instance and wanted to migrate it to my 3.17 on a debian VM instance. Well I just realized that I've got the same issue with the text files section. Is there any chunk of that that I can just up and excise from the old instance and drop into the right place with my new instance and have it be good to go? If not, are there any other ways to speed up a migration of that section from the old instance to the new?

    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Sprite on Wed Nov 25 11:20:45 2020
    Re: text file base transplant possible?
    By: Sprite to All on Wed Nov 25 2020 03:44 am

    Hey there, I just realized that I have another question in the same vein as the one that I'd asked previously. As I'd mentioned I'd done a lot of customization of my local message boards on the 3.16b openbsd synchronet instance and wanted to migrate it to my 3.17 on a debian VM instance. Well I just realized that I've got the same issue with the text files section.
    Is there any chunk of that that I can just up and excise from the old instance and drop into the right place with my new instance and have it be good to go? If not, are there any other ways to speed up a migration of that section from the old instance to the new?

    All of it. You can migrate *everything*. Is there a reason you didn't just copy
    everything over to begin with rather than doing it piecemeal?

    Also, you'll need to run 'jsexec update'.
    digital man

    Sling Blade quote #7:
    Karl: I don't reckon the Good Lord would send anybody like you to Hades.
    Norco, CA WX: 62.6øF, 59.0% humidity, 3 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Sprite@1:103/705 to Digital Man on Wed Nov 25 18:59:58 2020
    Re: text file base transplant possible?
    By: Digital Man to Sprite on Wed Nov 25 2020 11:20:45

    All of it. You can migrate *everything*. Is there a reason you didn't
    copy everything over to begin with rather than doing it piecemeal?

    Well, I had a couple of reasons, ie not wanting to overwrite the current DOVE-Net message bases, and having a new current fidonet setup. However, now that I'm thinking about it with a little more sleep under my belt for the day, I guess there's not anything that wouldn't be replenished by the threads in the next downstreamed QWK packet for DOVE-Net, and my fidonet configuration is broken right now ANYWAY, so yeah, I guess I should probably just do that.

    Also, you'll need to run 'jsexec update'.

    Roger that. Thank you!

    þ Synchronet þ Tinfoil Tetrahedron BBS - skulking seedily against the Brave New World
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)