Hi,I'm trying to hatch a nodelist to a fileecho with SBBS.One of my links to a fileecho is my own point, but it won't receive the file.The tic and flo files are created in `/sbbs/fido/outbound.1a4`:> 00020001.flo> ti_0004e.ticBut as I learned, they should've been in a .pnt directory.Besides, the .tic file has this content:>>>Area WEEDNET-NODELISTOrigin 420:2/1From 2:240/5824To 420:2/1.1File WEEDNET.Z76Size 1498Date 1624282982Desc WeedNet first nodelistCreated by TickIT 1.6Crc C94A52C8Path 2:240/5824Pw>>>I'm wondering why my FidoNet address is written to this file as I selected my WeedNet address as `Origin`.Are these findings bugs or did I do anything wrong here?Also, is it possible to hatch files using a command-line tool which can be called from a script (eg. a cronjob)?Thank you!Anna
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)