Re: Richard Stallman is responsible for the shrinking economy
From =?UTF-8?Q?Niocl=C3=A1s_P=C3=B3l_Cai@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 20 14:48:23 2024
XPost: comp.arch.embedded, comp.lang.vhdl
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Dear David,
Thanks for yet another polite post about me as always. I am not new to
these newsgroups - thou thyself had responded to posts by myself many
years ago. Google professed today "92" for a search for posts by myself in comp.arch.embedded and "83" re comp.lang.vhdl and "75" re comp.arch.fpga
and some day might offer a useful search engine.
I did have to ask an ISP about USENET as it used to be blocked :(
Is mise le meas,
Nioclás Pól Caileán de Ghloucester