My Miserable Story (6/ 2/2022)
Chuande Tu@21:1/5 to
All on Thu Jun 2 09:36:17 2022
My Miserable Story (6/ /2022)
My name is Chuande Tu. A great many number of alleged serious crimes, in which I am the victim, have been occurring against me during a period of almost 27 years. In the almost 27 years, I have lived at Madison in the State of Wisconsin, Silver Spring
and Hyattsville in the State of Maryland, Washington DC, Madison in the State of Wisconsin, and New York City, successively. I have been living in New York City since late March 2001. I assume that some police officers in Madison, Silver Spring,
Hyattsville, the Secret Service Agents in Washington DC, and some police officers in New York City have presumably involved in the great many alleged crimes in which I have been the victim. In addition, I assume that the police officers also have many
civilians involved in the alleged crimes against me. The alleged crimes against me are continuing now.
I came to the United States at the end of 1987 from Shanghai, China. When I was in China, I received my BA and MA in Chinese History from Fudan University, China’s Yale University, in Shanghai. As an assistant professor, I taught Chinese history at
Fudan University for two years. Apart from that, two co-writers and I adapted a renowned Chinese novel titled Wei cheng (Fortress Besieged) into a scenario of TV drama of the same title. The scenario was made into a 10-set TV drama that aired in 1990 in
China and we won the “Best Screenwriter Award” of China’s Feitian TV Award in 1991. I published two books in Chinese. One, called American Special Envoy in China, December 1945--January 1947, was published by the Fudan University Press in 1988 and
reprinted in 1997. The other was the TV drama scenario of Wei cheng noted above. In 2013, 10 Chinese TV dramas were selected and published as masterpieces by China’s prestigious People’s Literature Publisher. The TV drama scenario of Wei cheng was
one of them.
After I came to the United States at the end of 1987, I received my PhD in Chinese History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in December 2000. Now I am a naturalized US citizen. I have no criminal record. Moreover, the legal document indicates
that I have never been a suspect of any crime. However, since the middle of November 1995, the Madison police have been using various methods to ruthlessly abuse or brutalize me when I have lived in Wisconsin, Maryland, Washington DC, and New York City.
These alleged crimes include almost every day’s harassment and numerous sleep deprivations at midnights, two attempted murders, three car accidents, robbery, death threats by slashing the tie of my car and turning on GAS in the kitchen located just out
of my room and other means, kidnapping (handcuffing me without the warrant of arrest) me to a mental hospital and unconstitutionally locked me there for 7 days, which I regard as a crime anti-humanity, sexual assault and harassment, fabricating a lie
that I threatened to kill President Bill Clinton, various Internet crimes, a great many incidents of mail fraud and stealing my newspapers, all kinds of illegal surveillance that include the bugging of my apartment, illegally connecting the phone system
with my home phone wire to intercept a lot of my incoming phone calls and record all of my phone conversations, illegally conducting various wrongdoings in regard to my cellular phone communications that include monitoring my phone conversations and
tampering my calling records and so on, putting feces on my new towel that used for washing my face, smearing feces on the bathroom’s toilet, wall, floor, or bathtub five times, attempting to illegally dismiss me from the University of Wisconsin-
Madison and preventing me from obtaining the forecast PhD degree, sneaking into my room from time to time to do various wrongdoings that included stealing my Chinese postage stamps whose market value in early April 2011 in China was equated to 5,037 US
dollars, not allowing me to find a place to live several times, not allowing me to find jobs that included college teaching positions through censoring my online job applications, medical misconduct, having someone hit me twice with palm on two different
occasions, making a large hole at the window screen in the shared bathroom in order to more effectively receive bugging signals from there, using the fake ID with my old address and cancelled home phone number to open a bank account in my name and apply
for or open a few credit-card accounts in financial institutes, etc.
During the period of almost 27 years from the middle of November 1995, the police have harassed or intimidated me almost every day. The methods include harassment phone calls, my neighbors’ various noises for sleep deprivation, etc.
The most inhumane harassment is sleep deprivation. The police allegedly harass me overnight based on bugging my room to strip me of sleep. The sleep deprivation could happen soon after I went to bed or shortly after I woke up momentarily and moved my
body overnight. During the first dozens days beginning from mid-November 1995 in Madison, Wisconsin, shortly after I momentarily woke up and moved my body or went to bathroom overnight, the police allegedly started to harass me with the noisy music which
usually came from the direction of the back of the house. In this period, every night shortly after I momentarily woke up and moved my body or went to bathroom, the police allegedly harassed me. After this period, this kind of harassment no longer
occurred every midnight, but it happened from time to time. I assume that the police of the MPD were behind these incidents. The sleep deprivation also occurred in New York City. When I have lived on the second floor in the residence of 48-12 93rd Street,
Elmhurst, NY 11373 from late March 2001 to mid-November 2003, the second floor in the residence of 93-12 50th Avenue, Elmhurst, NY 11373 from mid-November 2003 to late January 2007, the second floor in the residence of 51-20 Van Loon Street, Elmhurst,
NY 11373 from late January 2007 to early April 2013, and the third floor in the residence of 42-98 Hampton Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373 from early April 2013 up to now, from time to time, the police has allegedly hired other tenants, such as Mr. Qinghua
Zhang, Mr. Daru Wang, Mr. Haoming Dong (Raymond Dong), Mr. Xiujiang Wu, and Ms. Isabella Zhang, to make noises at midnights to deprive me of sleeps. Their harassment could last as long as a few hours at a time. That caused me to be sick many times. I
visited my doctor for the sickness a number of times. I assume that the police of the New York Police Department (NYPD) hired those people to harass me.
In April 1997, the police in Madison, Wisconsin allegedly created four very serious incidents in which I was the victim. The first one was a death threat with a plow truck; the second and third ones were the death threat with active bullets and an
attempted murder that when I attempted to move my car from the second lane to the first lane on the highway because I felt that the cars ahead of me drove too slow, a Jeep on the first lane suddenly and rapidly accelerated its speed, trying to hit mar
car. I believe that if my car had been hit by the Jeep, I would have killed. The Jeep’s information is as follows: Toyota, EFI, CUY-413 (Wisconsin). The fourth incident was the stealing of my three self-reports I mailed to the MPD for the three
incidents mentioned above. After I appealed to Mayor of Madison Susan Bauman for an investigation, the MPD negotiated with me, asking if the investigation found only one officer had done these four incidents, whether would I be satisfied? I replied, “
No.” Then they said that they would not conduct an investigation. (In April 1999 when I lived in Washington DC, the MPD promised in the phone conversation with me that after I returned to Madison, it would start an investigation to have a MPD officer
responsible for the four incidents. After I returned to Madison in May 1999, it broke its own word.)
The police were allegedly behind three car accidents that happened in 1998, 1999, and 2000, respectively. There were no disputes that all the three car accidents were other parties’ faults. I was injured twice by the first and third car accidents. The
first car accident occurred in Silver Spring of Montgomery County, Maryland in April 1998 when I lived there. The police of the Montgomery County Police Department in Maryland allegedly used a young Hispanic to drive his car hitting my one from behind
and injured me. Then the police fabricated the false insurance policy number for the suspect twice. The second car incident was a SUV hitting the right flank of my car in Madison, Wisconsin in June 1999. My car was seriously damaged. I could have been
either killed or injured; it was merely lucky that I avoided either of them. The third incident was a car hitting my one from behind in Madison, Wisconsin in April 2000. I was injured again. I have evidence to assume that the Madison police were behind
the second and third car accidents. One MRI test of my upper chest shows that because of the injuries caused by the first and third car accidents, in addition to multilevel degenerative disc changes and spinal stenosis at C2/3, C3/4, C4/5, and C5/6, “
there is also multilevel neuroforaminal encroachment,” which means that my nerve is pressured. Another MRI test shows that there are problems in my lower back as well. Now I am suffering very severe pain in the neck and back all the time and feel my
left arm like a hammer hanging from my left shoulder, pain in my right shoulder and right arm that is less serious than the left arm, heavy and pain in my left leg, and heavy in my right leg, along with other problems.
In March 1998 in Silver Spring, Maryland, presumably it was a local police officer who used a knife to slash a tire of my car to 6” long to deliver a death threat to me. When I reported the incident to an officer, I told the officer that I assumed that
the suspect was the local police. The officer, however, refused to write down about that. He wrote down in the report that the suspect was “unknown” and refused to conduct an investigation. The police also took other cover-up measures.
In September 1998 in Hyattsville, Maryland, either the local or the Montgomery County police allegedly used a young black man to rob me on the street mainly in order to intimidate me. After the occurrence of the robbery incident, a local police officer
successively used an excuse and two lies to justify his decision not to conduct an investigation, and then the original police report was tampered allegedly by the police with all the information regarding the suspect deleted in order to justify the
decision not to conduct an investigation.
The NYPD police delivered death threats to me by gas. When I lived at 51-20 Van Loon Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373, Mr. Xiujiang Wu, who lived on the same floor where I lived, turned on gas of the oven in the kitchen located just out of my room six times in
the period from March 2011 to August 2012. I assume that it was the NYPD officers who hired Mr. Wu to do that to deliver death threats to me. The death threats were that if necessary, they would burn me to death inside the house with gas. On March 30,
2012, I went to the 110th Precinct to report the gas incidnets, a female officer refused to take my case, saying what I should do was to move out the house, not come to report the gas incidents. On April 6, 2012, another female officer at the 110th
Precinct took my report on the gas case. In a few days when I went the Precinct to pick up the case number, I was told that my report on the gas case was rejected.
The police have been allegedly committing various Internet crimes against me. They have illegally hacked the computer when I get online. Through hacking, they illegally had access to a few hundreds of my files in my computer, a great majority of which
was my accounts about the criminal activities that they allegedly committed. From mid-October 1998 to the present, I have been posting my story once a day almost every day to two English language news groups, soc.culture.china and talk.politics.china, on
the Internet, except the period from mid-April 1999 to mid-July 1999. But the police have illegally censored my story. You can go to google and type in “My Miserable Story”, which is the story now I post almost every, you will not be able to find the
story. The police have also done wrongdoings with my emails. Besides, they sent death threats to me through the Internet a few times and accused me with extremely dirty words many times. Two of the three death threats with dirty words took place in
October 2002 and November 2002, respectively, when I was in New York. Moreover, one of the two death threats was sent to me in my name and email address. They also used my name and email address to post other messages on the Internet.
On March 24, 1999 in Washington DC, in order to prevent me from staging a hunger strike before the White House, the DC Secret Service (hereafter SS) officers handcuffed me at my residence in DC without the arrest warrant and sent me to a mental health
facility whose abbreviation was PERD first and then unconstitutionally locking me up in the St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital for 7 days. As the SS officers came to my room on March 24, 1999, they did not show me their badges or any other identification. As
they handcuffed me, I asked them to show me the warrant of arrest. They replied that they did not have the arrest warrant because this was not arrest. The SS officers told me that they were going to send me to see the psychiatrist. I refused to go with
them. They started to brutalize me. They violently gripped my arms, trunk, and legs, forcibly carrying me out of my room to down stairs and then to a SS car parked outside the building. While I was struggling to try to get rid of their hands, I was
yelling for help. I yelled that they illegally arrested me. I loudly told the pedestrians on the street that I was sane, but these people were using force to send me to a mental hospital. The pedestrians could do nothing because they did not know what
happened. These SS officers laughed. They were pleased as they saw an innocent and sane human being’s humiliation, powerlessness and suffering in their hands. When the SS car was running to PERD, the SS officers told me time and again that this was not
arrest. Partly because the SS officers violently gripped my wrists, partly because my struggle against their kidnapping, the handcuff had broken the skin of my both wrists, there was blood in my wrists. I felt pain. Meanwhile, I felt serious pain in my
neck and back. After the April 13, 1998 car accident, I had constantly had pain in these areas. Now I felt serious pain largely because of the SS officers violent gripping and maneuvering of my body and partly because of my defying. In PERD, a black
female medical staff came to examine me; I refused to answer questions raised by her. The black female staff told me that although I did not answer questions, she was still able to examine me. After a few hours, I was transferred to the St. Elizabeth
Mental Hospital. In the Mental Hospital, Mr. Gray Hallen (or Hullen), a young black man, sexually assaulted me. It seemed to me that Mr. Hallen (or Hullen) was a normal person. I assume that the SS officers were behind the incident. After the incident,
Mr. Hallen (or Hullen) disappeared on the same day. A staff member of the Hospital told me that confining me in the Mental Hospital was unconstitutional. I agreed. I think that was also a crime anti-humanity. Doctor Walters, who told me that he did not
think I had any mental problems after he had participated in a mental evaluation of me, warned me that if I go to stage a hunger strike before the White House in the future, I would be sent back to the Mental Hospital. After 7 days in the mental hospital,
I was discharged.
The SS Officers illegally manufactured a document for “arrest”. A number of days after the discharge, I went to the department of medical records of the mental hospital for getting my medical record. Over there, I was told that my medical record was
not ready. When I went there next time, my medical record was ready, but I found that there was a copy of the document of “Application for Emergency Hospitalization by A Physician … or An Officer to Make Arrests” for authorizing the arrest of me
and sending me to “EPRD and the St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital.” The document was dated March 24, 1999, the day when I was handcuffed to PERD and the mental hospital. Because on March 24, 1999, as the SS officers handcuffed me to PERD and the mental
hospital, they did not show me the arrest warrant and explained to me again and again that this was not arrest, if the document was an authorization of “arresting” me, I am one hundred percent sure that the arrest “authorization” was illegally
manufactured after I was handcuffed to the St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital. The SS officers’ purpose was to cover up for the false arrest and unconstitutionally locking me up in the Mental Hospital for 7 days.
The SS officers fabricated a lie that I had threatened to kill the President of the United States. In late September 1999 in Madison, Wisconsin, after I accidentally learned that the SS officers had informed the History Department of UW-Madison that I
had threatened to kill President Bill Clinton, the SS officers or MPD had a local TV station staff come to me, saying that now the SS officers no longer thought that I had threatened to kill President Bill Clinton.
Since July 1997, the police have been behind a great many incidents of mail fraud with regard to my mail and of stealing my newspapers. When I lived in Silver Spring of Montgomery County in Maryland in April 1998, Lt. Robert Muehlenhort of the Montgomery
County Police Department, actually, if not formally, admitted to me that the police had stolen dozens pieces of my mail through the Post Office there. In New York alone from late Match 2001 to the present, the police have been behind a great number of
incidents of mail fraud and stealing my newspapers.
The police have put me under all kinds of illegal surveillance. They have begged my room and even the tenants’ shared-bathroom and closely monitored me as I am in outdoors. They have installed a phone system with my phone wire to illegally wiretap my
phone. It is certain that when I lived in Ms. Jo Ann Michie’s house in Madison, Wisconsin during 2000, Ms. Michie illegally wiretapped my home phone. I assume that it was the MPD hired Ms. Michie to illegally wiretap my phone. When I lived on the
second floor on 93-12 50th Avenue, Elmhurst, NY 11373 in 2004, I once phoned Mr. Daru Wang, who lived on the third floor above my room and conducted many incidents of sleep deprivation at midnights, to talk to him regarding the noises that he was making
at midnight, he elegantly told me that all my phone conversations had been recorded. Obviously it was that the NYPD police were behind the recording of all of my phone conversations. On July 6, 2006, I found from the phone box outside of the house that
Mr. Futao Xu (Victor Xu), who lived in the same house, illegally wiretapped my phone. I took pictures about that. As I lived on the third floor at 42-98 Hampton Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373 in February 2014, I discovered that part of my phone wire that
went through Mr. Wang and his wife’s room on the same floor was tampered and the couple used a phone system to illegally wiretap my phone allegedly for NYPD officers. I took pictures for the tampered phone wire.
The police do wrongdoings with my cellular phone communications. Sometimes they do not allow my cellular phone to receive calls or when I call someone, they just drop it. Furthermore, if the cops think that I should not be allowed to receive a certain
phone calls or messages that other parties left in my cell phone, they just censor them. I do not receive the messages, nor do other parties’ phone numbers appear in my cell phone records.
The police were allegedly behind a number of feces incidents. On noon of July 18, 2000, I went to the Equal Rights Office of the Wisconsin State Government in Madison, Wisconsin because the police allegedly had Mr. Glenn Schuster conduct a housing
discrimination against me. As I returned home in the early afternoon, I found that my small new towel had disappeared from the bathroom. I immediately asked Mr. Aaron Michie, who was Ms. Jo Ann Michie’s teenage son, about my towel; he replied that he
did not have any idea about it. In the evening, I found my towel on the floor of the basement, and that there were feces on it. Only then did Mr. Aaron Michie admit that because there had been no toilet paper in the bathroom; therefore he had used my new
towel as “toilet paper.” I assume that my visit to the Equal Rights Office triggered the incident in which the MPD police asked Mr. Michie to put his feces on my towel. I have been living at a small apartment alone on the third floor of a house
located at 42-98 Hampton Street at Elmhurst in New York City since April 7, 2013. There are five feces incidents taken place on the third floor’s shared bathroom in which someone or some individuals smeared feces on the toilet, wall, floor or bathtub
in 2017-2018. NYPD officers allegedly hired the individual or individuals to smear feces in the bathroom.
The police tried to illegally dismiss me from UW-Madison with the help of the Chair of History Department and destroy my forthcoming PhD degree. After reading the manuscript of my dissertation, Professor Maurice Meisner, my advisor and a very well-known
China specialist in the world, told me in a November 15, 1999 letter: “(T)he result of your research is a significant contribution to scholarly understanding of the [Chinese] Civil War.” He informed me that he considered the manuscript of my
dissertation “a most impressive piece of research.” By August 2000, it became clear that I needed only one more semester to complete my PhD studies and get the degree, Mr. Thomas J. Archdeacon, then Chair of History Department, wrote me a letter,
dated August 18, 2000, threatening that I would be dismissed from UW-Madison in several days in accordance with History Department’s Graduate Council’s “decision” that late August 2000 was my PhD deadline. The “decision”, however, was
fabricated by him. In early September 2000, he materialized his threat and did not allow me to enroll for the new semester. I assume that he did that for some officers at the MPD. His purpose was to compel me to give up the pursuit of justice against
these officers if I still wanted the PhD degree. But since the so-called Graduate Council’s “decision” was fake, finally I did enroll for the new semester and got my PhD degree by the end of the semester. Mr. Archdeacon’s attempt to dismiss me
from UW-Madison and destroy my forecast PhD degree was not the first time when he abused power against me allegedly on behalf of some officers at the MPD.
In February 2002 in Elmhurst, New York, allegedly under the request of the police, Dr. Florenda Reandelar at the James Rudel Medical Center of HIP, a Health Insurance Company, conducted medical misconduct against me. I requested HIP and the Office of
Professional Medical Conduct of the New York State Government, and the Crime Victims Board of the New York State Government to conduct an investigation, respectively. HIP broke almost all its major rules, conducting a cover-up. The Office of Professional
Medical Conduct and the Crime Victims Board simply refused to conduct an investigation that they had the duty to do.
From time to time, police officers were behind the numerous incidents of sneaking into my room to do various wrongdoings. I would like to present two examples. When I lived on the second floor in the residence of 93-12 50th Avenue, Elmhurst, NY 11373 in
March 2006, Mr. Daru Wang attempted to illegally enter the second floor presumably to do wrongdoing. His attempted act was caught by a tenant who lived on the second floor. When I lived on the second floor in the residence of 51-20 Van Loon Street,
Elmhurst, NY 11373, I found on the evening of March 17, 2011 that a lot of various types of Chinese postage stamps that I had collected had been stolen. Their total market value by April 9, 2011 in China was 5,037 US dollars and in the United States it
was slightly higher. I assume that Mr. Xiujiang Wu, whom I mentioned above, stole these stamps by sneaking into my room with the key of my room allegedly given by NYPD officers. I reported the burglar incident to the NYPD. The incident report number is
The NYPD police have not allowed me to get a job through censoring my online applications. In 2014 and 2015, shortly after I submitted my online applications to Princeton University, the New York State University and others for the teaching position of
Chinese history or Chinese language, the cops illegally deleted my applications. For example, I applied for two teaching positions at New York University in May 2014 and January 2015, respectively, and received confirmation email messages from NYU,
however, when I walked in NYU’s human resources office at the end of March 2015, I learned that the records in the NYU system showed that I had never applied any jobs at NYU.
The NYPD police opened a fraud bank account at Bank of America, applied two credit-card accounts at US Bank and the First Nation Bank, respectively, and opened two credit-card accounts at American Express and Capital One Bank with my old, invalid address,
my cancelled home phone number, and fake identification documents.
In the afternoon on June 22, 2007 in Elmhurst near my home at 51-20 Van Loon Street, Elmhurst, a fast running car attempted to hit and then possibly run over me on the street. It is purely because of luck, I avoided being hit and then possibly run over.
This is another allegedly attempted murder. I assume that NYPD officers were behind the incident.
On August 2, 2009, Mr. Xiujiang Wu, whom I noted above, used his palm to hit my right arm forcibly in the bathroom shard by the tenants. I reported to the NYPD’s 110th Precinct the same day. The complaint report number is 2009-110-5028. On August 6,
2009, Mr. Wu used his palm to hit my right arm forcibly in the bathroom again. I reported to the 110th Precinct the same day. The complaint report number is 2009-110-5155. When I reported the two incidents to the 110th Precinct, I requested that the
110th Precinct arrest Mr. Wu. (It is the NYPD’s rule that a suspect who commits this kind of violent crime should be arrested.) The 110th Precinct, however, did not arrest Mr. Wu.
In late April 2012, Mr. Xiujiang Wu made a large hole at the window screen in the shared bathroom. On June 12, 2012, when I asked Mr. Wu why he had made the hole, he elegantly replied by saying that it was the NYPD police who had instructed him to do in
order to more effectively receive bugging signals (when I used the bathroom). In August 1999 in Madison, Wisconsin the police used a man to sexually harass me. The method was so low that it makes me feel sick to describe it. After I reported the incident
to the police, the police refused to conduct an investigation. The police had housing companies or landlords conducted housing discrimination against me time and again. The housing discrimination included not to allow me to find a place to live or get my
security deposit back, among others.
In 1999, the MPD officers presumably used the fake name “Joe” to send me a message as a “response” to the story that I had posted on the Internet, which had been actually censored by the police, arrogantly acknowledging that it mistakenly
targeted me in the beginning, and that their abusing and brutalizing of me began “with racism". In the message, they also informed me that in the beginning, they had conducted the abusing "as a practical joke", but when I had told on them, they had
become “really mad at you.” I began to tell people about the police’s misconducts on April 12 or April 13, 1997. It is true that almost all grave crimes, including all the violent ones, were committed by the police after that.
The story that I presented above is just part of what I have been suffering during the period of almost 27 years allegedly in the hands of the police. With regard to crimes committed by the police against an individual, the duration, number, graveness,
and scope of the crimes allegedly committed by the police against me are unprecedented in US history and perhaps in modern world history.
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