You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today.
A list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is
at the hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes
"Nets Where WX4QZ is Net Control".
Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR, WIRES,
and System Fusion, together on one site. Go to
for details, and connection options.
All times are in the US Time Zones. During US Daylight Savings Time
in the U.S., Pacific Time and Mountain Standard Time (Arizona stays on
MST year round) are identical.
I'm now starting early checkins 30 minutes prior to the start of the it has become too hard to sit at the computer for 3 hours (to
start setup 90 minutes before the net, start checkins an hour before
the net, run the net which can last an hour or so, then do screenshots
and send off logs in 30 minutes afterwards). Even with a walker next to
me, if I sit too long, I become a "fall risk".
Many nets do NOT have pre-net checkin windows. If we don't get your
checkin, we'll get you logged another day and time. There are other
things in life besides checking into a ham radio traffic net.
If I'm unable to make it, due to weather, health, internet, or other
issues, I'll try to get a backup Net Control...but that can't always occur...and if that happens, the net just doesn't run that week. Also,
if on a particular reflector, if the National Weather Service is using
it for Skywarn Severe Weather operations, the net is automatically
For early checkins to the PCL Net (you can't make it), please email:
1) Bob Smith, NS2B, at or OR
2) Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, at or
You'll be granted a courtesy checkin.
Net Name: PCL Packet Net
Meets On: NS2B BBS, Penfield, New York
Net Control: Bob Smith, NS2B
Alternate Net Control/Scribe: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
Net Time: 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific
Comments: The PCL Net, which stands for "Patience And Chicken Lips",
originally began on the N0KFQ BBS in Branson, Missouri in the early
1980's. Run by Sysop K.O. Higgs, N0KFQ, with his wife, Billie, KB0WSA,
as Net Control, it was a full featured packet BBS, with RF and telnet
access. After Billie's death a few years ago (K.O. died 2 years after
she did), Bob, NS2B, moved the Net to his system, in Penfield, New York.
The main requirement to checkin is being a licensed amateur radio operator, with privileges to transmit on packet, either VHF, HF, or Telnet.
The net is in a roundtable format, with everyone typing data at their
keyboard. Further details on the net are in the file PCL_NET.PDF --
which is available at they hyperlink off of my QRZ bio. You will need
an appropriate PDF viewer to view/print the file.
Net Name: Hotspots, Raspberry Pi, Single Board Computer, and Zoom Net
Meets On: The QuadNet Array
Net Controls: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, and Steve Reiners, KC9SIO
Net Time: 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain, 7pm Pacific
Comments: With the items noted in the net title being common in the
shack with digital modes, this is designed as a Q&A Net, with checkins afterwards.
On checkins, please advise if you are "short time". If that's the case,
once ackowledged, you can secure your station at your leisure. Methods
to checkin are as follows:
1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR, WIRES, or Fusion. Go to for connection options.
2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (
3) Via email to
Checkin method 3 will automatically be noted as "short time".
Net Control Duties between WX4QZ and KC9SIO are switched weekly.
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
* Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (316:36/20)