Hi Everyone,
See, I told you we were working on some great new releases for you!
I'd like to announce another one that will be hatched shortly, that I think
you will love to have!
RCS AFK - Away From Keyboard
This is a Mystic MPL Mod that displays a Matrix Rain screensaver to users, on BBSes that run on Linux or MacOS. On Windows BBSes a beautiful ANSI screensaver is used. After a sysOp-settable amount of time passes, a countdown shows on screen and users Node Status is set to 'Possibly AFK'. After which, node status is set to 'AFK' and screensaver mode starts. If user times out, they are shown an ANSI explaining why, and disconnected. If the user comes back and types a key, they exit the mod and are returned to the BBS.
The entire time, other users checking Who's Online will see the status of any users who are AFK or Possibly AFK.
Oh yea, it looks rad as heck t00. :P
Watch for this to be released in the next day or so!
Black Panther(RCS)
aka Dan Richter
Castle Rock BBS
The sparrows are flying again...
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/04/20 (Linux/64)
* Origin: Castle Rock BBS - bbs.castlerockbbs.com (316:36/17)